Download microdata of population records from Brazil's census
Download microdata of population records from Brazil's census. Data collected in the sample component of the questionnaire.
year = 2010,
columns = NULL,
add_labels = NULL,
as_data_frame = FALSE,
showProgress = TRUE,
cache = TRUE
- year
Numeric. Year of reference in the format
. Defaults to2010
.- columns
String. A vector of column names to keep. The rest of the columns are not read. Defaults to
and read all columns.- add_labels
Character. Whether the function should add labels to the responses of categorical variables. When
add_labels = "pt"
, the function adds labels in Portuguese. Defaults toNULL
.- as_data_frame
Logical. When
(Default), the function returns an Arrow Dataset, which allows users to work with larger-than-memory data. IfTRUE
, the function returnsdata.frame
.- showProgress
Logical. Defaults to
display download progress bar. The progress bar only reflects only the downloading time, not the time to load the data to memory.- cache
Logical. Whether the function should read the data cached locally, which is much faster. Defaults to
. The first time the user runs the function,censobr
will download the file and store it locally so that the file only needs to be download once. IfFALSE
, the function will download the data again and overwrite the local file.
1960 Census
The 1960 microdata version available in censobr is a combination of two versions of the Demographic Census sample. The 25% sample data from the 1960 Census was never fully processed by IBGE - several states did not have their questionnaires digitized. Currently, this dataset only has data from 16 states of the Federation (and from a contested border region between Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo called Serra dos Aimores). Information is missing for the states of the former Northern Region, Maranhão, Piaui, Guanabara, Santa Catarina, and Espírito Santo. In 1965, IBGE decided to draw a probabilistic sub-sample of approximately 1.27% of the population, including all units of the federation. With this data, IBGE produced several official reports at the time. The data from censobr is the combination of these two datasets.
We pre-processed the 1.27% sample data to ensured data consistency, given the original data was partially corrupted. We also created a sample weight variable to correct for unbalanced data and to expand te sample to the total population. For the data from the 25% sample, the weights expand to the municipal totals. Meanwhile, for the data from the 1.27% sample, the weights expand to the state totals. Additionally, we constructed a few variables that allow for the approximate incorporation of the complex sample design, enabling the proper calculation of standard errors and confidence intervals.
You can read more about the 1960 Census and find a thorough documentation of how this dataset was processed on this link https://github.com/antrologos/ConsistenciaCenso1960Br.
See also
Other Microdata: