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Download census tract-level aggregate data from Brazil's censuses.


  year = 2010,
  dataset = NULL,
  as_data_frame = FALSE,
  showProgress = TRUE,
  cache = TRUE



Numeric. Year of reference in the format yyyy. Defaults to 2010.


Character. The dataset to be opened. Options currently include c("Basico", "Domicilio", "DomicilioRenda", "Responsavel", "ResponsavelRenda", "Pessoa", "PessoaRenda", "Entorno"). Preliminary results of the 2022 census are available with "Preliminares".


Logical. When FALSE (Default), the function returns an Arrow Dataset, which allows users to work with larger-than-memory data. If TRUE, the function returns data.frame.


Logical. Defaults to TRUE display download progress bar. The progress bar only reflects only the downloading time, not the time to load the data to memory.


Logical. Whether the function should read the data cached locally, which is much faster. Defaults to TRUE. The first time the user runs the function, censobr will download the file and store it locally so that the file only needs to be download once. If FALSE, the function will download the data again and overwrite the local file.


An arrow Dataset or a "data.frame" object.



# return data as arrow Dataset
df <- read_tracts(year = 2010,
                  dataset = 'PessoaRenda',
                  showProgress = FALSE)
#> Reading data cached locally.

# return data as data.frame
df <- read_tracts(year = 2010,
                  dataset = 'Basico',
                  as_data_frame = TRUE,
                  showProgress = FALSE)
#> Reading data cached locally.
#> Warning: Potentially unsafe or invalid elements have been discarded from R metadata.
#>  Type: "externalptr"
#> → If you trust the source, you can set `options(arrow.unsafe_metadata = TRUE)` to preserve them.