Filter GTFS trips in order to have one trip per shape_id
Filter a GTFS data by keeping only one trip per shape_id. It also removes the unnecessary routes and stop_times accordingly.
poa <- read_gtfs(system.file("extdata/poa.zip", package = "gtfs2gps"))
#> Unzipped the following files to /tmp/RtmpVbDcru/gtfsio:
#> * agency.txt
#> * calendar.txt
#> * routes.txt
#> * shapes.txt
#> * stop_times.txt
#> * stops.txt
#> * trips.txt
#> Reading agency
#> Reading calendar
#> Reading routes
#> Reading shapes
#> Reading stop_times
#> Reading stops
#> Reading trips
subset <- filter_single_trip(poa)