Returns a binary weighting function (frequently used to calculate cumulative opportunities measures) to be used inside accessibility calculating functions.

This function is generic over any kind of numeric travel cost, such as distance, time and money.




A numeric vector. The numbers indicating the travel cost cutoffs.


A function that takes a generic travel cost vector (numeric) as an input and returns a list of weight vectors (a list of numeric

vectors, named after the arguments passed to the decay function).

See also


weighting_function <- decay_binary(cutoff = 30)

weighting_function(c(20, 35))
#> $`30`
#> [1] 1 0

weighting_function <- decay_binary(cutoff = c(30, 45))

weighting_function(c(20, 35))
#> $`30`
#> [1] 1 0
#> $`45`
#> [1] 1 1