Download airport movements data from Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). The data covers all passenger, aircraft, cargo and mail movement data from airports regulated by ANAC. Data only available from Jan 2019 onwards. A description of all variables included in the data is available at

read_airport_movements(date = 202001, showProgress = TRUE, cache = TRUE)



Numeric. Date of the data in the format yyyymm. Defaults to 202001. To download the data for all months in a year, the user can pass a 4-digit year input yyyy.


Logical. Defaults to TRUE display progress.


Logical. Whether the function should read cached data downloaded previously. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, the function will always download the data and overwrite cached data.


A "data.table" "data.frame" object. All columns are returned with class of type "character".


if (FALSE)  if (interactive()) {
# Read airport movement data
amov202006 <- read_airport_movements(date = 202006)

amov2020 <- read_airport_movements(date = 2020)