Download flight data from Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). The data includes detailed information on every international flight to and from Brazil, as well as domestic flights within the country. The data include flight-level information of airports of origin and destination, flight duration, aircraft type, payload, and the number of passengers, and several other variables. A description of all variables included in the data is available at
date = 202001,
type = "basica",
showProgress = TRUE,
select = NULL,
cache = TRUE
- date
Numeric. Date of the data in the format
. Defaults to202001
. To download the data for all months in a year, the user can pass a 4-digit year inputyyyy
. The parameter also accepts a vector of dates such asc(202001, 202006, 202012)
.- type
String. Whether the data set should be of the type
(flight stage, the default) orcombinada
(On flight origin and destination - OFOD).- showProgress
Logical. Defaults to
display progress.- select
A vector of column names or positions to keep. The rest of the columns are not read. The order that the columns passed determines the order of the columns in the result.
- cache
Logical. Whether the function should read cached data downloaded previously. Defaults to
, the function will always download the data and overwrite cached data.
See also
Other download flight data:
if (FALSE) if (interactive()) {
# Read flights data
f201506 <- read_flights(date = 201506)
f2015 <- read_flights(date = 2015)
} # \dontrun{}