Input a municipality name or code and get the names and codes of the municipality's corresponding state, meso, micro, intermediate, and immediate regions
A data.frame
with 13 columns identifying the geographies information
of that municipality.
A data.frame
See also
Other support functions:
# Get lookup table for municipality Rio de Janeiro
mun <- lookup_muni(name_muni = "Rio de Janeiro")
#> Using year/date 2010
#> Returning results for municipality Rio de Janeiro
# Or you can get a lookup table for the same municipality searching for its code
mun <- lookup_muni(code_muni = 3304557)
#> Returning results for municipality Rio de Janeiro
# Get lookup table for all municipalities
mun_all <- lookup_muni(name_muni = "all")
# Or:
mun_all <- lookup_muni(code_muni = "all")