Filters a GTFS object by route_types, keeping (or dropping) the relevant entries in each file.

filter_by_route_type(gtfs, route_type, keep = TRUE)



A GTFS object, as created by read_gtfs().


An integer vector. The route_types used to filter the data.


A logical. Whether the entries related to the specified route_types should be kept or dropped (defaults to TRUE, which keeps the entries).


The GTFS object passed to the gtfs parameter, after the filtering process.

Route types

Valid options are:

  • 0 - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail. Any light rail or street level system within a metropolitan area.

  • 1 - Subway, Metro. Any underground rail system within a metropolitan area.

  • 2 - Rail. Used for intercity or long-distance travel.

  • 3 - Bus. Used for short- and long-distance bus routes.

  • 4 - Ferry. Used for short- and long-distance boat service.

  • 5 - Cable tram. Used for street-level rail cars where the cable runs beneath the vehicle, e.g., cable car in San Francisco.

  • 6 - Aerial lift, suspended cable car (e.g., gondola lift, aerial tramway). Cable transport where cabins, cars, gondolas or open chairs are suspended by means of one or more cables.

  • 7 - Funicular. Any rail system designed for steep inclines.

  • 11 - Trolleybus. Electric buses that draw power from overhead wires using poles.

  • 12 - Monorail. Railway in which the track consists of a single rail or a beam.


# read gtfs
data_path <- system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfstools")
gtfs <- read_gtfs(data_path)

#> 811304 bytes

# keeps entries related to passed route_types
smaller_gtfs <- filter_by_route_type(gtfs, route_type = 1)
#> 180920 bytes

# drops entries related to passed route_types
smaller_gtfs <- filter_by_route_type(gtfs, route_type = 1, keep = FALSE)
#> 654360 bytes