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Returns the (recursive) children stops of each specified stop_id. Recursive in this context means it returns all children's children (i.e. first children, then children's children, and then their children, and so on).


get_children_stops(gtfs, stop_id = NULL)



A GTFS object, as created by read_gtfs().


A string vector including the stop_ids to have their children returned. If NULL (the default), the function returns the children of every stop_id in the GTFS.


A data.table containing the stop_ids and their children' stop_ids. If a stop doesn't have a child, its correspondent child_id entry is marked as "".


data_path <- system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfstools")
gtfs <- read_gtfs(data_path)

children <- get_children_stops(gtfs)
#>    stop_id child_id
#>     <char>   <char>
#> 1:     F12       E1
#> 2:     F12       E2
#> 3:     F12       E3
#> 4:     F12       E4
#> 5:     F12       E5
#> 6:     F12       N1

# use the stop_id argument to control which stops are analyzed
children <- get_children_stops(gtfs, stop_id = c("F12S", "F12N"))
#>    stop_id child_id
#>     <char>   <char>
#> 1:    F12S       B1
#> 2:    F12S       B3
#> 3:    F12N       B2
#> 4:    F12N       B4
#> 5:      B1         
#> 6:      B3         
#> 7:      B2         
#> 8:      B4