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Returns the duration of segments between stops of each specified trip_id.


  trip_id = NULL,
  unit = "min",
  sort_sequence = FALSE



A GTFS object, as created by read_gtfs().


A string vector including the trip_ids to have their segments' duration calculated. If NULL (the default) the function calculates the segments' duration of every trip_id in the GTFS.


A string representing the time unit in which the duration is desired. One of "s" (seconds), "min" (minutes, the default), "h" (hours) or "d" (days).


A logical specifying whether to sort timetables by stop_sequence. Defaults to FALSE, otherwise spec-compliant feeds, in which timetables points are already ordered by stop_sequence, would be penalized through longer processing times. Durations calculated from unordered timetables do not correctly depict the real life segment durations.


A data.table containing the segments' duration of each specified trip.


A trip segment is defined as the path between two subsequent stops in the same trip. The duration of a segment is defined as the time difference between its arrival time and its departure time, as specified in the stop_times file.


data_path <- system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfstools")

gtfs <- read_gtfs(data_path)

trip_segment_dur <- get_trip_segment_duration(gtfs)
#>       trip_id segment duration
#>        <char>   <int>    <num>
#> 1: CPTM L07-0       1        8
#> 2: CPTM L07-0       2        8
#> 3: CPTM L07-0       3        8
#> 4: CPTM L07-0       4        8
#> 5: CPTM L07-0       5        8
#> 6: CPTM L07-0       6        8

# use the trip_id argument to control which trips are analyzed
trip_segment_dur <- get_trip_segment_duration(gtfs, trip_id = "CPTM L07-0")
#>        trip_id segment duration
#>         <char>   <int>    <num>
#>  1: CPTM L07-0       1        8
#>  2: CPTM L07-0       2        8
#>  3: CPTM L07-0       3        8
#>  4: CPTM L07-0       4        8
#>  5: CPTM L07-0       5        8
#>  6: CPTM L07-0       6        8
#>  7: CPTM L07-0       7        8
#>  8: CPTM L07-0       8        8
#>  9: CPTM L07-0       9        8
#> 10: CPTM L07-0      10        8
#> 11: CPTM L07-0      11        8
#> 12: CPTM L07-0      12        8
#> 13: CPTM L07-0      13        8
#> 14: CPTM L07-0      14        8
#> 15: CPTM L07-0      15        8
#> 16: CPTM L07-0      16        8
#> 17: CPTM L07-0      17        8

# use the unit argument to control in which unit the durations are calculated
trip_segment_dur <- get_trip_segment_duration(gtfs, "CPTM L07-0", unit = "s")
#>        trip_id segment duration
#>         <char>   <int>    <int>
#>  1: CPTM L07-0       1      480
#>  2: CPTM L07-0       2      480
#>  3: CPTM L07-0       3      480
#>  4: CPTM L07-0       4      480
#>  5: CPTM L07-0       5      480
#>  6: CPTM L07-0       6      480
#>  7: CPTM L07-0       7      480
#>  8: CPTM L07-0       8      480
#>  9: CPTM L07-0       9      480
#> 10: CPTM L07-0      10      480
#> 11: CPTM L07-0      11      480
#> 12: CPTM L07-0      12      480
#> 13: CPTM L07-0      13      480
#> 14: CPTM L07-0      14      480
#> 15: CPTM L07-0      15      480
#> 16: CPTM L07-0      16      480
#> 17: CPTM L07-0      17      480