Add slope class into the transport model (LineString Simple Feature object)
Based on the input height data, the function returns the slope class between two consecutive bus stop positions of a LineString Simple Feature (transport model object). The slope is given by the ratio between the height difference and network distance from two consecutive public transport stops. The function classifies the slope into one of the seven categories available on the European Environmental Agency (EEA) database, which is -0.06, -0.04,-0.02, 0.00, 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06. The classifications is described in @details .
- tp_model
LineString Simple Feature; transport model output.
- heightfile
character or raster data; The raster file with height data, or its filepath.
- keep
A logical. Whether the columns related height and slope to the consecutive bus stops should be kept or dropped (defaults to FALSE, which keeps only the slope classification).
Slopes classification:
| slope interval | slope class | | slope <= -0.070 | -0.06 | | slope > -0.070 & slope <= -0.050 | -0.06 | | slope > -0.050 & slope <= -0.030 | -0.04 | | slope > -0.030 & slope <= -0.010 | -0.02 | | slope > -0.010 & slope <= +0.010 | +0.00 | | slope > +0.010 & slope <= +0.030 | +0.02 | | slope > +0.030 & slope <= +0.050 | +0.04 | | slope > +0.050 & slope <= +0.070 | +0.06 | | slope > +0.070 | -0.06 |
# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("gtfstools", quietly=TRUE)) {
gtfs_file <- system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfs2emis")
gtfs <- gtfstools::read_gtfs(gtfs_file)
# keep a single trip_id to speed up this example
gtfs_small <- gtfstools::filter_by_trip_id(gtfs, trip_id ="4451136")
# run transport model
tp_model <- transport_model(gtfs_data = gtfs_small,
min_speed = 2,
max_speed = 80,
new_speed = 20,
spatial_resolution = 100,
parallel = FALSE)
# read raster file
raster_cur <- system.file("extdata/bra_cur-srtm.tif", package = "gtfs2emis")
tp_model_slope <- slope_class_europe_emep(tp_model,raster_cur)
#> Converting shapes to sf objects
#> Processing the data
# }