This data set includes polygons of all biomes present in Brazilian territory and coastal area. The latest data set dates to 2019 and it is available at scale 1:250.000. The 2004 data set is at the scale 1:5.000.000. The original data comes from IBGE. More information at

read_biomes(year = 2019, simplified = TRUE, showProgress = TRUE, cache = TRUE)



Numeric. Year of the data in YYYY format. Defaults to 2019.


Logic FALSE or TRUE, indicating whether the function should return the data set with 'original' spatial resolution or a data set with 'simplified' geometry. Defaults to TRUE. For spatial analysis and statistics users should set simplified = FALSE. Borders have been simplified by removing vertices of borders using st_simplify{sf} preserving topology with a dTolerance of 100.


Logical. Defaults to TRUE display progress bar.


Logical. Whether the function should read the data cached locally, which is faster. Defaults to cache = TRUE. By default, geobr stores data files in a temporary directory that exists only within each R session. If cache = FALSE, the function will download the data again and overwrite the local file.


An "sf" "data.frame" object


# Read biomes
b <- read_biomes(year = 2019)